When Life Gives You Lemons…

I love lemons too… a cold Corona and a wedge of lemon…. bliss

EJLICIOUS - Good taste is always in fashion


Lemon-Basil Chicken

When life gives you lemons, you make Lemon-Basil Chicken of course! And maybe a lemon bundt cake or some lemon bars and of course lemonade to wash it down! Poor lemons, they get such a bad rap, they’re the iconic bad news messenger, the stormy threatening clouds on a sunny day, the wet blanket, the Eeyore from Winnie-The-Pooh. Well, I like lemons, they’re tart and jarring on their own, but paired with other sweet and rich flavors they’re wonderful. And like life if you didn’t have any lows you wouldn’t know the wonders of the highs! Well, this recipe is very delicious, matching the tart lemony flavor with smooth richness of butter and herbal notes from the basil. So give this dish a try it’s very tasty, healthy, and flavorful, its Ejlicious! Thank you for reading and I hope you have a great week! One last piece of advice…

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